3 Speciality Cheeses Unique To Ireland

by | Feb 23, 2023 | Food

When most people outside of the country hear the term Irish cheese, the first thing that comes to mind is Irish cheddar. Whilst Irish cheddar is a classic cheese popular with cheesemakers and cheese lovers, Ireland produces many other unique kinds of cheese.

One of the unique things about Irish cheese is that most types are unique to one specific producer or farm. These artisan cheesemakers have handed down the recipe and processing of the cheese through their family, creating a unique take on the particular style and type of cheese they make.

Gubbeen Cheese

Gubbeen is a washed-rind speciality cheese that is made by the Ferguson family of West Cork. It is a cow’s milk cheese that is cured with brine and aged for up to two months. As the cheese ages the flavours change, offering a nutty and almost buttery flavour profile.

Wicklow Blue

Wicklow Blue first came on the market in 2005 and is made by dairy farmer John Hempenstall. It is a brie with light blue veining that provides a surprisingly robust but not overwhelming blue cheese experience. Wicklow Blue is an excellent addition to a cheeseboard or as a deep-fried cheese.

Cáis na Tíre

Cáis na Tíre is a sheep milk cheese that won two medals at the Irish Cheese Awards in 2014. It is aged for at least six months and offers a rich, toasty, and caramel flavour in a hearty, slightly crumbly cheese. It is a perfect addition to a cheeseboard presentation.

Other Speciality cheese varieties to add to a cheese plate include St. Tola Goats Cheese, St. Killian Camembert, and the always popular Cashel Blue. Coolea cheese, which offers a gouda style at different maturity levels, is always an exceptional choice.

Horgans Delicatessen Supplies began its operations as an importer and distributor of a small range of speciality cheeses and meats, which, at the time, was a much underserved niche in the Irish market. For more information about these retail services please contact us.

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